As far as high-stakes problems go, the fate of planet earth is numero uno. It’s a lofty ambition but businesses are rising to the challenge of creating sustainable products that can reduce our impact on the environment in the long term.
Small businesses are at the forefront of the green business boom, disrupting traditional practices with eco-friendly solutions from what’s in the product to how it’s packaged.
It’s true – from little things, big things do grow.
As we mark Earth Day 2021 on 22 April, Kochie's Buisiness Builders has partnered with Amazon Launchpad to shine a light on extraordinary businesses that are making an impact by making less impact. Each of these businesses has found a customer base on Amazon Launchpad, an exclusive program for startups and emerging businesses. Your business could be next, with the latest round of Amazon Launchpad Innovation Grants closing on 10 May (scroll for more below).
From the only Australian made compostable cling wrap to subscription-based natural baby wipes, these five sustainable Australian businesses have successfully turned industry-disrupting ideas into climate-conscious brands of the future.