Elizabeth is a Safety Coordinator at Amazon's fulfilment centre in Moorebank, Sydney. Here is her story…
“I’ve been with Amazon here at the Sydney fulfilment centre for around two and a half years.

Before coming to work here I was at an ice cream manufacturer and working 12 hours shifts. We would go from working a 12 hour night shift to then working a 12 hour day shift. That kind of schedule really takes a toll on you in more ways than one. It messes with your sleep patterns and it just wasn’t working for me.
After leaving that role, I took a little time off and then thought, “Ok, what’s out there for me?”
I saw a job advert for a “leading online retailer”, but I had no idea it was Amazon!
I got the job as a scanner, then later I was promoted up to a PA (Process Assistant) role.
The thing about working here is the appreciation that is shown to you when you’ve done a good job. I can’t tell you how important that is to me.
One thing that has always been really important to me is safety. If I ever see something I don’t think is best practice in terms of safety I always speak up. I also have a great relationship with a lot of the team. When a safety coordinator role was advertised in June I put my hand up as I thought it really suited my strengths. I had the interview and was given the role!
To be given this opportunity… it really means a lot to me. I came up from a scanner to a PA and now I’m a safety coordinator. I just feel like I’m on the right track and I am so happy others can see the hard work I have put in. I feel blessed.
Since COVID-19 hit we have had to be very diligent about social distancing, always wearing our masks and washing our hands, so the safety role has taken on even more significance. I take it very seriously.
I think the reason I am so suited to my role is my interpersonal skills. Everyone is comfortable to come to me with any concerns and they know that I will act on them and follow up.
Outside of work I absolutely adore animals, so much so that I volunteer for WIRES Australian Wildlife Rescue Organisation. It is my passion! I care for injured wildlife, in particular wombats and possums. I will take care of them until they are ready to go back into the wild.
I have to tell you about Gloria! She was a baby wombat when I got her. Her mum had been hit by a car and they found her by her side. She was with me for 8 months and become part of our family. Oh my gosh she was just the best, so adorable! She would lay on her back in front of the open fire and stretch out. After caring for her for 8 months we gave her to a wildlife sanctuary where she will learn how to look after herself and they will get her weight up to about 20-30 kilos before releasing her back into the wild again. It is always so hard giving them back but you just know it is the right thing to do. It’s incredibly difficult, almost impossible to not become attached.
Looking forward, I can see myself at Amazon for a long time. The thing about working here is the appreciation that is shown to you when you’ve done a good job. I can’t tell you how important that is to me. To get a “well done” or “thank you” can really make your day and it is something I think we at Amazon do so well. Just the other day I told someone how well their presentation had gone and his face just lit up! It’s something that is free to give but is worth so much to the person receiving it.
I have so much to learn in my role and I really want to be good at what I do so I will concentrate on that for the next stage of my career here.
So that and of course to keep on rescuing wildlife! It’s the perfect work-life balance for me.”